Really nice combo.B&W's don't "need" tubes the way some other speakers do and the BAT is nmot overly euphonic or warm.And the power rating of 150 watts is just right to top out the 805's.I tried a 300 wat Adcom stck and had to run it in passive mdeo because it was just way to much power.An oppttion is to get your Sonny moddded if you have some left over budget and I'd use Sounbd Anchor strands instaead of B&W's.The B&W's are expansive and Bob Warzalla owner of Soiound Anchor found that 805's sound beter with mass loading at top of stand instead of bottom the way B&W made them.I think he is best stand/raclk builder inn the buisness and new B&W's are like the old Matix series they can't not be helped with heavy iron especially if you have wooden floors..Good rack,some cones,neutral cables and yoiur all set.