B+W 801D

Well, I have been through a few speakers since I last posted here. I have never been able to hear the 801D and am looking for opinions from people who have actually heard this speaker.
Any and all input appreciated.
One for the main reasons I was inquiring about the 801D was that I currently have the 803D and am able to trade up at the dealer getting full value for my 803D's. Unfortunately he does stock that 801D so it would be a blind purchase.Thanks so much for your input as it is greatly appreciated.
i will say you would be much better off with the 800's over the 801's
I would agree. For one, they're easier in many ways... They're also slightly better IMO.

I have heard all of the B&W 800 series speakers, and think that the 801D is the best!
If you like the sound of your 803D, have the room and amplifier, the 801D will not dissapoint you.