B&W 801D or 802Ds

Basically, I would like your impressions of both of these speakers. I have gone out and heard them, but not side by side, and either one would be a most excellent choice. However, I would like to know from owners of these speakers what are the strengths and weaknesses of the 2.

I do prefer the big woofers of the 801D, but the 802D might have tighter bass. Also, I've looked for the 801Ds and I haven't found them anywhere on the used market. Not even here on Audiogon this summer.

Thanks for your time. Looking forward to the discussion.
I have a pair of 801D's that I might be willing to part with. They are in mint condition. I'm the only owner. I paid full retail price. How much are you willing to pay for them if you're still looking for a pair?