Ayre Monoblocks vs. Linn Klimax Solo 500s

Has anyone had a chance to compare the two. I have an all Ayre system now, except I am using the Linn Klimax mono amps driving Sophia 2s. Sound is fantastic, but I wonder if it would greatly improve with the new Ayre Monoblocks? Any ideas?
While it is somewhat outside of the scope of this thread, that's a good aural observation Dazzdax. Many people mistake apparent volume for SPL. In many cases, the apparent volume is actually a byproduct of distortion and the listening levels are not nearly as loud as they think. Systems that have extremely wide dynamic range without compression ( BOTH amps AND speakers ) can play VERY loudly without sounding strained. On such systems, one can very easily be listening at levels WAY beyond what they think to be "normal" with very little to no ear fatigue involved. Sean
Thanks Sean. Sometimes a smaller amp with less Watt's and one that is more dynamically restricted can show more PRaT than a low distortion muscle amp. Also psycho-acoustical phenomenon.
So in certain way PRaT is a byproduct of distortion and dynamic constriction.

I am using the MX-R monoblocks with Maxx 2 speakers. My only personal experience with Linn was my previous system of Linn 5140 speakers with Linn bi amps. No comparison. The Ayre wins hands down. More palpable sound. You can differentiate between different bass drums, different notes and variations in Holly Coles voice from track to track. My authorized dealer was using the Linn Klimax mono with his Maxx 2's and he replaced them with the ayre MXR monoblocks.
I have the mono blocks and Wilson Sophia 2s...a wonderful combination...previously I had listened to Linn...not in the same league....
