Ayre models in black

I've asked two different dealers and got two different answers. I've e-mailed Ayre and got no reponse. There is no information on their web site,I've phoned Ayre and no one answers, this one yes or no question.
"Can ALL Ayre products be ordered in BLACK?" I think the C5xe can be. But I'm trying to decide between between the V7xe/C5xe OR C7xe/K5xe/V5xe, but due to WAF everything must match,and be in black. Thanks to anyone who can answer this.
You might ask Audiogon member Theo. He has been to the Ayre factory a few times. He has a CD player in black. He will probably know.
Yes. You can order all Ayre products in Black. My K3 and C5xe were ordered in black. Expect to pay a $250 premium for limited stock items.
Thanks so much everybody!
Hgeifman: I've called that number at least 50 times with no answer, then the next time it's busy.
Mofimadness: thanks for the tip.
Tjmski:Any pictures?
One more question while I'm at it: My stand is 18" wide and the V5e is 18" wide. I noticed there is a "rack mounted" unit on the web site that's 17.5" or so but no pictures. Has anyone seen one? Does it look the same as the normal one?
I believe they are available as an option in black.
(I bought my K-1X used, and the owner had the same problem and bought a second faceplate in black, and replaced the silver front face.) He said it was a $250 replacement cost.
It might be possible to order it in black, to avoid the additional charge.

If you are having trouble contacting Ayre, email me, and I will give you a email address to them, that might cut through some of the red tape.

Good luck!
Thanks Kurt_tank!
after checking web/dealer sites etc.It seems the 5 & 1 series can be ordered in black but I've seen no indication of the 7 series ( v7ex&C7ex) that can be orered in black. The address I used was info@ayre.com (I think).