Ayre K-5xe preamp and turntable issues

I have 2 turntables with built-in phono pre-amps.  I have connected each through my Ayre K-5xe pre-amp.  In both cases the volume is so low, even if I turn the Ayre all the way up, the sound is minimal.  I am connecting the RCA cables from the turntable to the RCA ins on the Ayre.  Might anyone help me understand what the issue might be?  Much thanks.  


Turntables are a Sony with defeatable switch, however Ayre does not have phono pre built in. The other table is a circa 1970ish Technics SL-10. One table has MC the other MM. neither are providing good output.

A Google search of Technics SL-10 found this:

The SL-10 came equipped with the Technics EPS-310MC moving-coil cartridge. Due to the low output of the moving-coil cartridge, the SL-10 includes a built-in, bypassable step-up preamp to allow it to connect to standard phono inputs.

I think you would still need a phono stage, with gain, to get suitable volume. I think the step-up only steps the output up to the same level as a MM cartridge.


Regarding your Sony, I don't know. Either you have the switch turned off, the switch/phono pre-amp is not working, or the cartridge is a low-output cartridge.

I think you likely need to buy a phono pre-amp to put between your TT and Ayre pre-amp.

Good Luck, and Best Regards...