avantgarde uno & duo

I have briefly listened to Duo driven by Cary 805C. They were very impressive on voice. What are their strength and weaknesses? In what respect are the Duos better than the Unos?

Thanks in advance.
How can two speakers ... essentially state of the art, each trying to capture "perfect sound", each designed with real live music in mind, with the same standard to try and replicate ... sound so damn different?
Bob, I believe you've just summed up this hobby with one simple question.
I have never owned the Unos, but I once owned the Duos and Trios. I don't look back with much favor on my experience with them. I could never get the Duos positioned properly as the woofers are part of the frame. I thought the bass with them was frankly terrible. The Trios did allow me to position the horns and the woofers separately, and as a result I got much better bass with them. A friend with Trios went so far as to use another amp on the woofers. His sound much better than I could ever get using the cheap Avanteguard amps.

I always thought also that not using compression drivers shortchanged the performance of these speakers as they were not very fast sounding. I thought the top end was not very extended. Finally, I thought the great displacement of the drivers relative to each other meant that one would have to be quite far from them to get very integrated sound, perhaps 20 feet from them.

As your amp does not have to cover anything below 150 Hz, they are easy to drive.

I bought Beauhorn Virtuosos and was much more satisfied.
Thanks for your post TBG. At least I know I was not the only one who thinks that Avantgardes are not doing what others claim they can do. Just to clarify things, my opinion is just that--My Opinion.
I've heard the uno's and was not really impressed
Check out the Tonian Labs speakers they really are special
I have the TL NFSM monitor

To others they may not be your cup of tea

They are worth mentioning as they beat out the uno's in my rig