AV123 X-Static

Ok, times up! Someone please give it up on the X-Statics.
Not much out there, but what little there is seems
very positive. Anybody here heard them?? Thinking about
buying a pair.
Any info appreciated.
"aven't heard much about AV123 in a while. Is this a case of no news is good news?"

It is a case of most audio forums locking down AV123 threads about those "issues" to keep decorum. So, most people have moved on from trying to discuss those issues.

There are some real questions of late as to whether all the charity raffles AV123 has held over the years have paid the collected monies to the charities.
enough has been credibly written about the business practices of this company that i choose not to patronize them. it may very well be that their chinese workers have come up with a $500 speaker that sounds like a $900 speaker, but life's too short.
Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I own the demo pair from RMAF and need to buy a set of grills and grill mounting poss for these. My best friend picked them up from Mark, and was promised grills at a later date, but then things got crazy. I traded him for these and love them, but the WAF without grills is not high.

My friend was selling them here http://new.audiogon.com/listings/243822 before he moved away last month. I didn't even know they were posted here.

Anyone with used/NOS grills, or who can make some could contact me and I would be grateful. I'll log in later on a real computer, not iPad, and post a WTB if needed. I joined long ago but haven't used Audiogon.
Go to the GR Research thread on Audiocircle. The designer of the X Statics runs that area (Danny Richie) and he maybe can help or other owners may have a Spare pair.