Aurum Acoustics Integris CDP

This new CD player already received glowing accolades. It looks like Reimyo CDP and appears to be built like tank, uses Anagram Quantum SRC module and Philips CD Pro 2M top-loading transport. Any comment on the performance of this CD player?
Hi All;

I would also like to respond to Golden Ears' comment regarding the Aurum Acoustics Integris CDP vs. the Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 MK.II.

I own an Aurum Acoustics Integris CDP unit, and prior to purchasing it, I auditioned it side-by-side with the Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 MK.II unit in my system for several days. While the Audio Aero unit is very fine in its own right, it is, frankly, not quite up to the task against the Aurum Acoustics unit.

I would tend to characterize the Capitole as having a slight warmth or excess bloom throughout the midrange, and as Vargas has stated, not as tight in the bass region. The Integris CDP, in my Pass Labs / B&W Nautilus system, produces an extremely balanced presentation from top to bottom, with exquisite levels of detail and soundstage reproduction, and tight, tight bass. I have recently added the Aurum Acoustics customized version of the Cardas Golden Reference power cord to the Integris CDP, and it has taken the performance of the unit into yet another stratosphere. This is one HECK of a digital front-end.

Golden Ears also seems to be downplaying the merits of the Integris CDP, due to being the product of a small Canadian company. Well, this small Canadian company appears to have its act quite together, and I would tend to think it won't be small for much longer.
Ihave listened to the complete Aurum system, most recently in Montreal at the audio show. I would buy it in a minute if I won the Lotto!! It just was so "together ïn is't presentation of the music, just seemless.
I hope someday one of the major journals or sites gets to review the complete system, as I think done correctly, this is the ideal way to design an audio system. It certainly does depend a great deal on the vision of the designer, but it seems to me the best way to integrate all parts of a system is ideally from one socalled "sonic cloth"

Just my thoughts, but I did love the Aurum system!!
I had the opportunity to do an early review of a pre-production edition of the Integris CDP for "Audio Ideas Guide". This was a departure for the magazine but Andrew Marshall, the Guide's editor, felt that the opportunity to alert the world to this important new Canadian audio company and it's products could not be missed. This was after he heard and reviewed the complete Aurum system,the CDP and the 300B. I have had the chance to hear it too and agree it is amazing. Since then, designer Derrick Moss has made a couple of simple easily implemented improvements in the CDP. These include the use of the Isoclean gold fuse, and the effect of interconnects and power cords. He has settled on the Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and his adaption of the CGR power cord (implimented by Cardas) that includes Wattgate terminators. I liked the CDP from the "get go". Now I am completely in awe of its ability to retrieve information from the lowly "red book" CD. In what I would call my "mid range" system, (Bryston 3bs bridged, one each per channel, and PSB Goldis), the sound I am getting from the CDP is nimble, supple and very refined. I also listen to vinyl and can report the the Integris CDP's pre-amp (sometines overlooked in the debate) is also in the referance class. (I am waiting for an Aurum phono section). I cannot say how the CDP compares to other hi-end products that performe the same tasks but I can say that anyone with a large collection of vinyl and/or conventional CDs sould make the effort to hear the CDP or, better still the complete system, so as to share in this exceptional audio experience. In the end, you will be glued to the music which is, really, what it is all about.