aural symphonics ?

Anyone know anything about this speaker cables? I have a chance to buy a 4-meter pair for about $700. They are labeled Purple G3 (I assume that is the model). I am interested in any feedback you can give. They will be hooked up to:

Arcam alpha 10 integrated amp
Arcam 7se cdp
Vintage EPI A500 speakers
Oh yes, an actual owner(me). I have the whole setup; ics, sp.wire,and power cords.At the time they bettered AQ diamondsx2s and/or Tara Labs Decade in my all tube system.(What I was running at the time.) More of everything we buy better cables for.Mine is called purple gen something,bi wire; was 2,000 for a 6ft set.
aural symphonics cable delivers clean uncolored sound.have a set of V3 twelve footers currently listed. most noted is you tend to listen to the music, not hear the wire.a very well made line of wire, quality stuff. not able to say what they would do linked in with your pieces mentioned.
I own the biwire hybrid and asone v5i interconects. In my system they are outstanding. Much more natural tone with detail and extension than all other cables I have owned( nordost red dawn, kimber moncle xl, jps supercond+, MIT, tara space & time.) Other cable I have owned seem to either sound musical but loose some detail and extension or be natural sounding but slightly flat and lacking detail My experience is that these cable offer both.The bass is also better than anything I have heard.