Auditioned Infinity MTS. Disappointed. Questions..


I wanted full range system. So I have auditioned Infinity MTS speaker with RABOS (big $$$). It matched with Denon-2900 DVD and Runco(?) separates. But I was disappointed of unclear image and rather dull sound quality.

Many praised this speaker, but it didn't impress me. Something wrong with selection of power amp or DVD source? Or is this expected? My current system is Audio Research VT100MK2, SP-11MK2, CD-1, with Merlin TMS monitor. For me, they are far superior to Infinity system.

Thank you in advance for your comments!

>>>I am just amazed to read reaction from Kchahoc. I simply don't understand his reasoning process and attitude (what's your problem?).<<<
Thank you for your clarifications. And if you think that in any way I was heated-up, mad or unreasonable, truly all I did was question the validity or your "review," "audition" or what ever you want to call it. Unless it is because I corrected your writing . . . Perhaps if you had thought well maybe the MTS is more accurate and the Merlin is hot in the treble, or even the other way around. I only wanted . . . Oh forget it. I'll agree that Infinity's tweeter used in all the models from Intermezzo up does sound "dull" compared to some metal dome tweeters. I know I used to have B&W' Nautiluses and a pair of Wilson watt puppy 5's. But go check out the review by Stereophile on the MTS and the itsy-bitsy 2.6's by Mr. Fermer. Or, if I may paraphrase, he said that the tweeter may sound dull untill you realize the amazing resolving power of the hi-frequencies. It is like in the 80's when people first started to get ss amps without crossover distortion and thought they sounded lifeless because all the hi-frequency hash was gone. Maybe not your cup of tea, and if I offended please accept my apologies and get some thicker skin. As an aside I do not understand the whipping boy attitude most "audiophiles" have toward some companies. It is really a shame since it will turn off some potential, innocent buyers:)
Hey Y'all,

I agree that the only way to truly test any piece of audio gear is to hear it in your home or at least with your equipment. And I also realize that there are many different variables, room size and shape, furniture, acoustic treatments or the lack there of, that will effect the performance of a system. That said; I had the same exact experience with the MTS as Drcio. The system was all Krell, CD, Amp and Pre, all current models, as Pbb mentioned, and I, for the life of me, could not understand how a speaker that was so highly touted could sound so mediocre. I'm not trying to stir things up, I just wanted to let every one know that Drcio's impressions were not just his but mine as well. Please don't get me wrong, I grew up on Infinity speakers, RS-400s (?) in the '80s and RS-4s in the '90s and I loved them to death. I guess the MTS is just not my cup of tea either........John
Thank you very much for all your advise and feedbacks!

As you've made many positive comments on Infinity, I am quite convinced now that the set-up at Audio shop might not have been an ideal one. For fair judgement, I think, I have to negotiate with the shop to allow me a loaner, or allow me to test Infinity with my equipments on site.

Altho I don't think I have a very shallow personality, I really liked Infinity's killer look. :) As the listening experience is very personal, however, I have slight concerns that Infinity's sound might not be for my taste even with my gears (or mine is yet an another incorrect set-up. who knows?). Thank you everybody, and thank you Kchahoc for pointing me Mr. Fremer's article. That was very useful for me to understand Infinity.