Audioquest vs. Others

   I realize that this post will probably open a landslide of responses but my question is focused on the comparison of Audioquest vs other manufacturers. This is not aimed to address power cables or speaker wire but only interconnect cables. Like Audioquest, many brands offer cables in a range of prices....low, medium, high, and super high. My interest is not to compare a lower price/quality cable to one that is far superior but to ask if comparisons have been done within equal price ranges of different brands.

   Yes, some systems are capable of distinguishing minute changes in a cable makeup. Some manufacturers even offer a free trial and return policy. I know that. But, in a moderately priced system, are there any opinions that would deter one from using the Audioquest brand vs another brand? Remember....staying in a comparable price range.

Hi @stevenday 

Some nice Ayre gear you have, although I don’t understand why you have not upgraded to QX-5 Twenty from your Codex 😂🤭. I have had both, and they are not even close. 

Also, I agree that Synergistic Research is great, especially with Ayre. IMO though, there is a significant jump in SQ if you ever upgrade your speaker cables to Euphoria (Level 3 Atmosphere X). Try, and you will thank me later. Been there, done that
Thanks for the advice thyname.  I'm sure that the QX-5 is better than the Codex (although fed from an opticalRendu, using Roon with oversampling, the Codex sounds very nice).  I am looking for a good deal on a QX-5 now.

I just bought some new SR power cables.  I seem to be falling down the SR rabbit hole.  
I wouldn't mind trying stuff like the AQ Earth and Oak, but I wish they came with gold plugs (not silver). Might be too bright in my Rotel/B&W system.
@dustsailor, the plugs are pure copper coated with silver.  From my experience it does not color the sound either direction.  Neither the Earth or Oak have any hint of brightness.  I would be surprised if you would hear brightness even with their higher end pure silver cables (Fire upwards).  I have Fire and WELs, and the Fires can actually be a tad warm, whereas the WELs are transparent, generally true to the components.
in my humble opinion the AQ silver cables are phenomenal. i’d buy used even back to niagara which will be better in every way than any of their copper cables. although cable models by all companies tend to change a lot i can’t imagine that true ‘breakthroughs’ exist as advertised. good is good and AQ silver interconnects are damn good.