Audiolab info needed

I'm putting together a system for a small room, and I want to build it around a good integrated amp. The Audiolab 8000S is still available through Artech for a tempting price. I've looked around on the net but found scant information on it; not surprising, as the company went out of business years ago. If you own or have listened to an Audiolab 8000S, I'd appreciate your input on a couple of questions:

1) The sound has been described as "dry" or "neutral." I've listened to the Cambridge Audio 500 series equipment, and I found it a bit too warm for my taste. I also auditioned a Musical Fidelity A3.2, which has a clean, precise, detailed sound which I like, but it's out of my budget. Where does the Audiolab 8000S fit on that spectrum?

2) I plan on auditioning the NAD C320BEE/C350/C370 line, and the Myryad Z140. How does the Audiolab compare?

I once owned an 8000S and loved it, am sure it would give better sound than a NAD amp. I also bought a Tag Mclaren 60iRv... it seems pretty similar in sound, was able to use the Audiolab as a pre, and the 60iRv as the power amp... Sold the 8000S when I moved to Canada... I now own a Tag AV32r (the 60iRv too), and can say that I have had only good experiences with all their equipment... Buy one!
Last I heard, Tag Mclaren was considering dropping out of the Audio business. Parts could be a problem even if Artech is around to do the service.
Audiolab always got amazing reviews in the UK press! I have owned a pre power combo for 8 years and they are powerful, utterly neutral and fast. With a Pink Triangle Anniversary/SME5/Lyra Lydian and a pair of Mission 773Fs they sound phenomenal.

Don't believe everything you read in the audiophile press. Some of them don't know their a**e from their elbow!