AudioControl receiver vs separates

I'm new to Adiogon and joined to get some unbiased opinions. I'm looking to do a modest sized HT and was going to get separates (Marantz or Dennon) because I assumed having a processor and multichannel amp was better. I'm only using this system for HT, but want really good sound. In listening to stuff I heard an AudioControl system using the AVR-8 and it sounded really good. Is it possible that a single uint can sound better than separates? Any AudioControl owners out there that can share their experiences?
I haven't heard this comparison directly, but I would doubt the AaudioControl AVR9 could sound better or even the same as the AVM60 plus Savoy. The Savoy should be a better amp than what's in the AVR9 and the Anthem AVM60 should be at least as good sounding as the processor section of the AVR9. That's my reasoning, but as I said I haven't heard this comparison.

a real world consideration in HT is the screen, formats, and speakers.

HDMI is already at 2.0 and about to jump into HDMI 2.1 or 2.2. to accomodate forth coming screen resolutions and other new tech.

I'd ensure both HDR and Dolby video are supported in what ever proc. at least.

having something and not needing it is better than not having something and needing it.

then therer's the amp to speaker concern. ya gotta have the right combo in that respect. receivers even at the top tier don't always have the true juice needed to accomodate any sort of speaker impedance curve and in my exp, I've always found dedicated amps the usual first upgrade.

yes. I have a 5 ch amp yet I'd rather have and should have went with a two ch and a three ch amp instead, or at least two 2ch amps and used the Receviers amp for the center ch.

ATMAS or the over head speaker array simply does not interest me. $$$$$

I'd be more interested in networking, blu tooth, upgradability, and local support.

good luck.
Yes, I think keeping future use in mind is important. For me, I still have a 1080 projector, but I'll probably upgrade that during the life of this unit. So 4K and HDR are important because I plan to get a 4K unit next when the prices come done some more.

I really like the idea of using the receiver's amps for surround and getting an external amp for the critical channels. I would probably include the center as one to get an external amp. So if one were to do a 5.1.4 Atmos setup it would be ideal to use the preamp outs to an external amp for the L/C/R channels and then use the receiver to power the 6 other channels, two rear surrounds and the 4 Atmos ceiling.

The problem is, I don't think all receivers can do this. I'm not sure, but I don't think the AudioControl allows you to use the 7 channels of amplification for any speakers you want. Maybe someone here knows how to set something like that up.
If you're talking about the Audiocontrol Savoy/Pantage/Avalon series PA, then yes, it's just a matter of plugging in the speaker you want. It's plain basic (simple to use) amplification. For inputs, you get the preamp outputs from the Maestro M5/X7/X9 processors, so it's pretty flexible.