Audio Research SP17 or Modwright LS100?


I just joined this forum hoping to receive guidance. I can usually understand the basics since I have been into HT/Stereo since 1998 so talking to me should be fine as I understand some of the technical stuff when it comes to equipment but am no pro.

I have always been on a journey in the audiophile world and recently got a pm from another forum stating that a preamp is a waste of money in comparison to a decent AVR because science basically dictates that in DBT, one cannot hear a difference and in reality there is such a small difference that the human ear would not be able to discern. It might be true and it might be placebo that I am hearing but I like the tube sound especially the guitar. I play a little myself and loved "Hotel California". I don't know the number of times I have listened to this but its too much to count.

I am one of those members that have an HT setup with projector but always listen to music in 2 channel. I know I have to eat my cake and eat it too. It's 70% music and 30%movies/tv.

I have PSB Imagine T2 with the AVR being Marantz SR6007, Parasound Halo A21 amp, source is NAD c546BEE and tried out to preamps. I prefer the sound a slight better with ARC but prefer the volume control on Modwright. I know both come with remotes but sometimes I prefer the tactile feel. My equipment is not the greatest compared to some here but I try to balance my equipment as well as the setup in the room. Can anyone please give input as it would be appreciated.

Sorry for the long post as I wanted to describe myself and my intentions here in this forum.
Hi Jonathan,

Nice, love your setup and I understand your past situation with the dealer not being more reasonable and notice they don't like to move that much. But I am patient and kept bringing him down. I bought a subwoofer from this dealer earlier too. But I use the subwoofer only for HT and sometimes SACD. Looks like there are mostly ARC comments so I can assume ARC probably has great customer service too.

Thanks for your input.
I would appreciate it if you would be more specific about the sonic differences of these two preamps. I use a Resolution Audio Opus 21 directly into a Parasound A21 (Dynaudio speakers), but am thinking about adding a tube preamp. I've heard the Cary SLP 03- smooth, quiet, but lacking enough high frequency extension for my taste- and more recently, a PrimaLuna Prologue 3 in my system, which had better soundstaging, dynamics, expression of instrument harmonics and treble extension, but less quiet and fine grained compared to the Cary unit, if my memory serves me well.
Hello, I don't do too well with words but I will give it a try. My speakers are pretty neutral
Sorry, I will try this again, the speakers I use are pretty neutral and with a smooth midrange.

The Modwright was the one I almost went for because I thought the midrange was still smooth and detailed. When listening the sound was nice and prefer this type of volume control. The only thing I can say was the trebles was a little noisy at louder volumes but not from the listening position only when I went up closer but this is a non issue. I really like this preamp and feel it had that rich and slightly warm sound that you get from tube just didn't know the terminology why I didn't like the treble areas so much.

I actually picked up the ARC SP17 with the phono stage and breakin in now. I went with this preamp because it had the tube sound but didn't really have the tube sound. This probably won't make sense to some but I am trying to say that the pre is really transparent but in a smooth sound and not sterile or forward. The upper regions are very clear and concise without being too forward and harsh. They also are more airy but clean . The mids are smooth but feel this pre added a little more detail. The lower regions were improved as well with more oomph and detail. High definition across all regions without getting too forward or muddy. I actually liked the sound from the Marantz AVR with my speakers but IMO got the similar smooth sound with all the high definition. It's like their was a veil lifted from the Marantz. The synergy I feel here is just effortless but very clean.

The only thing for me is getting used to the ARC volume control even with the remote, a lot must think I am weird but I don't like it. I need to get used to it but love the sound.