Audio Research Reference CD-7

Audio Research has introduced Reference CD-7 tube cd player($8995). Did somebody had a chance to audition it? Opinions?
Branimir; also, can you post comparison details with the Lindemann 820 (on redbook) that you mentioned in another post?
I will audition Meridian 808 in mid January next year. More in-depth info and impression then...
Info about Lindemann in Reference DACs thread.
Last month I decided to buy a US$6.000,00 (Red Book) CD PLAYER to replace my GAMUT CD-1. This was my $$$ limit. Nevertheless, it took no longer then a 15 minutes audition to the REF-CD7 to make me double the investment... and i bougth it. Am i happy? You can bet. Regrets? None.
Last month I decided to buy a US$6.000,00 (RB) CD PLAYER to replace my GAMUT CD-1. This was my $$$ limit. Nevertheless, it took me a 15 minutes audition to the REF-CD7 to make me double the investment... and i bougth it. Am i happy? You can bet. Regrets? None.
Good Luck!
João - Brazil
I have about 300 hours on my CD-7 now. To me, it sounds like listening to an ultra high end turntable and cartridge. This was a wonderful upgrade from my CD3 MK 2. Voice, piano, strings, guitar, horns all sound very natural and involving. Quite honestly, I would never have believed that digital could sound so natural. I'm still not ready to dump my several thousand record collection yet though. The CD-7 has proven to me that BOTH mediums can be truely great.