Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
I know you think that the CD7 had an upgrade in power supply. In fact it was a revision due to problem with the two regulator tubes.

The problem can be noticed when you use the unit via SE outputs if you increase the volume you can here a huge hum.

Revision 5 kit killed the hum, but also killed the sound quality. Now the revision 7 (5881 tube) brought the sound back but the also, the hum, after some use.

I had my unit upgraded. And now the hum is back. I will call ARC I think they will have to change all units again, problably using a 6550 like in CD8.

So I ask you to test your units and call ARC if you have a hum in SE output.
Gave up on CD7, after 2 units and a lot of power supply problems upgrades. My last unit showed the SE Hum again even with the 5881 tube.

I went to a CD8, 3 hours only, in it for now. I will post about it later.
Hello Wstill,

I have a CD7 and am considering upgrading the power supply and see that you have done the same, how much did this cost?


Paul Serwin
Hi, it's been a while since this thread started, has anybody/owners done meaningful comparisons of their CD8 with other current top notch cdps such as Emm Lab XDS1, Puccini+U-clock, Playback Design MP5, Esoteric, Accuphase? I would like to know of their basic sound differences, and also how it stands comparatively against the others. Thanks for any inputs.