Audio Physic Scorpio - How does it rate?

I've looked up opinions on the forums. Some like the older Virgo II or III better, and say the Scorpio's drivers are the same as the Tempo. No ring radiator.

Yet, Michael Fremer had high praise for this speaker. How does it sound, and how does it compare to other Audio Physics? Is it a value at $7,000 new?
I can't listen to the Scorpio because no one has them in my area. Of course, I agree that a demo is the best way, but that's not always possible.

Lino, what speakers do you carry in your dealership that you compared the Scorpio to? Or, speaker lines you auditioned and didn't find as good. Why don't you give some thoughts and comparisons to us?
Hi Saxo. I thik that, as a dealer, I cannot give you any kind of suggestion on this point. I don't carry many brand of speakers in my shop now but for the passed 23 years I've sold many of the most famous brands (B&W, KEF, Spendor, Harbeth, Ensemble, Apogee, PSB, Sonus Faber, Magnepan, Thiel and so on). I really think that the Scorpio is a good speakers in his price range and,in my humble opininion, you can put it in yours "must listen list" but, as Narrod said, speakers are the most personal part of the hifi components and you have to use your own ears. I hope that you will find a good dealer that can help you.
How about a response from a Scorpio owner? I've had these speakers in my system for just over a year. They were one of the pair of Scorpio's improted into the U.S. As with any system, changes must be employed in order for a new component, (especailly speakers) to achieve their potential. Ultimately, I ended up replacing my interconnects, (since they were 10 years old they needed to be replaced anyway), added cable elevators, treated everything with Extreme SST and added more vibration isolation under the electronics.

More background: via a local dealer, I auditioned the Vrigo II's a number of years ago and fell in love with them but could not afford them at that time. So, when I had the green, I went back to the dealer to buy a pair of Virgo III's. Not only was the bass virtually absent, the mids and highs were not as sweet as I recalled from the Virgo II's.

Shrotly thereafter, the Scorpio's became available. Initially, they produced only a marginal improvement over my previous speakers. With the added tweeks, I believe the Scorpio's are now reproducing very close to their potential.

In my opinion, these speakers offer an outstanding value. AP is known for speakers capable of huge soundstage with stunning, liquid mids and highs. The Scorpio's do not dissapoint. I listen to a lot of rock, jazz and blues and strong, accurate bass is paramount in order to recreate the correct presence of this musical style.

In Fremmer's review he mentioned comparing live performances with the Scorpio and being pleased with their ability to mimic the real thing. As a musician that plays and attends numerous concerts, I have to agree.

I notice three Scorpio's for sale on the 'gon at close to half price. You won't find any better value no matter how long you look. Go get 'em.