Audio Grade Fuse, Anyone?

With all the money that most of us spend on upgrading power cords, is there any left for the fuse that is omnipresent in all the components, that little piece of necessary evil that all current flows through? Is it worth researching into? Care to share your experience?
I didn't realise that Alternating Current travelled in only one direction! Kind of makes the direction of the fuse very important, if that is the case!
Dusted, I also thought the wiring in my Exemplar 3910 was obvious as the ac came into the board beside one of the snap-ins of the fuse holder. My meter proved this to be wrong. Meters are cheap at Radio Shack. Make sure the unit is unplugged and the fuse removed before testing.
IsoClean audio grade fuses ..These fuses will amaze you!
I have these IsoClean fuses in my TV, stereo receiver, DVD player. You will not believe what $25.00 gets you in performance! A must try product!
Got a hold a few samples of mystery audio grade fuse fomr HK called infinity @ Power from Power-House, completely unknown.
I cna tell you the difference is just staggering it is like going form a cheap OEM power cord (yes the ones the manufacturer wil include with the component) to a super duper power cords like the $2,000 mighty SHunyata Anaconda or the Kimber PK10silver, or the Acrolink PC4030 with Oyaide plugs, . . you get teh picture.
YES !!! They're that good like changing form inexpensive reissue tubed to goint to teh originals NOS.
Gang I'm teling you they're wirth every penny you put into it.
revoice my components completely for the better.
I have en extremely revealinbg system and can tel teh difference in spades.

Hope this helps;

Spend a few bucks don't upgrade yuour components untill you know what it can do witha good AC power filter and good fuses!!1

Take care;
