ATC SCM35 - what amp for these speakers?

im considering the following amps: Bryston 14B SST, Jeff Rowland Concerto integrated or 201 monos, or ATCs own SIA150 inetgrated or their poweramp. what would be the best and most economically smart move? as far as ATCs own amplification goes at least i do not have to worry if it will sonud good with their speakers...
right now im leaning towards the SIA150.
Try ASR Emitter I (17,8 kzl).

I'm going to check it with my Amphions this saturday :)

Very funny, is it?
>Krzycho why this choice? the price is not really funny...

not JRDE Concerto anymore? and - how would you compare Belcanto that Elb is selling to JR? you didn't like the Belcanto? i asked the question and got strange silence in return... (from Elb and you), is it because he's selling one right now? :)
YBA, Warner Imaging, Cinematic Sciences (formerly Warner Imaging)

By far the best "two" amplifiers on the ATC's,

not ATCs own amps? :)
YBA - i'll check it out. and ATC - have you compared them to what you just suggested? with which ATC speakers?