Aric Audio Systems Unlimited Preamp

They have a tube model called Unlimited that appears to be a decent value for < $800. It is tube rectified and with pair of tube voltage regulators and 12AX7 driver tubes. It even has a phono stage. Anyone is familiar with this preamp?
Thank you Bill, I really appreciate that! Those Jupiter caps sound gorgeous by the way, as do the Duelunds. It's very satisfying to be able to work with parts of this caliber. Best wishes, Arc
As several A'goners have requested, here is a link to the The Motherlode preamplifier built for Laaudionut:

Aric - Great job on the Motherlode and your other fantastic products!

All - If you are located or visiting the Chicago area and interested to see/hear/buy the Aric Audio Special 6SN7 Line-stage or Special KT88/120 Amplifier. We have them on display!

Audio Archon - dealer
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