Arcam FMJ CD23T, M.F. A3.2 CD, Rega Jupiter ?????

Looking to purchase a new CD player in the future. Something under $1500. There are so many choices. I currently have an Arcam CD72T so the CD 23T would be a logical choice as the signature would be similar i think? The Jupiter seems to be a no bull, no frills player and the Musical Fidelity line seems to be praised. Also under consideration is a Wadia 830 and a Sim Audio Nova player. These are more expensive, though. Please help me by sharing your experiences with each.

Current equipment: Arcam cd72T, Totem Sttaf speakers, Sim Audio Moon I-5080 integrated, Totem interconnects, Nordost blue heaven speaker cable.
The difference in the performance between the CD72 and the FMJ23 is worlds apart(as are their prices).The FMJ will have the Arcam sound but the 23 is so far from the 72 that it just betters it in EVERY aspect,as it should.It really is a fantastic player.As they are now discontinued you should find one at a good price and remember that its also upgradable to the new CD33 when your wallet recovers!!
The Arcam FMJ CD23T has been replaced by the new Arcam FMJ CD33. Some Retailers may still have 23t's available. The price remains at $2,499. If your budget is under 1,500, please also consider a used Meridian 508.20. cheers..
I recently bought the new Arcam CD33T which i can only describe as excellent. If you liked your CD 72, give it a go.