Arcam CD23 worth saving?

Hi Guys, apologies if this has been asked before but wondered what your thoughts are on whether the CD23 is worth repairing... It's already had a genuine sony laser optic fitted but has now started making a grating noise half way through a cd so I'm a bit disillusioned with it now. I love the sound of it but things have moved on in the DAC world in the last 10 years so I'm not sure if it's worth shelling out again to get it fixed. It's currently on its' way to a high end audio shop in the UK for an estimate but I'm thinking perhaps it's time to just give up the ghost and buy a transport and DAC combo...


That was/is a great CD player I had the CD23 & CD23T years ago and kept coming back to the ring DAC players.  Finally gave up on spinners after changing out 3 laser drives on my most recent Cary CD players and went with a DAC/streamer setup glad I did.  You'd be surprised what you can find on subscription services good luck and happy listening.


I hope Deco can find a replacement transport or replacement parts for you. I didn't try to source a shop that possibly could adapt a non stock transport. Didn't seem worth the time or money. I ripped all my discs to a hard drive and committed to streaming.

Best of Luck. Jim S.

OK well I've no idea if they can or whether he was mistaken that parts are still available so who knows. If it has to be binned after spending on postage and new optical I'll be a bit upset but I'm sure it wouldn't have been intentional. I'll just get them to send it back and see if I can fix it myself 

Arcam FMJ CD23T has simple but effective commands: basic transport buttons and forward/reverse through the track, that is all. This design has been kept until today. The display is green, good but really nothing special in terms of some Sony/Philips monster displays with so many information in so many different colors. On the other side, it contains music calendar, a fine addition. Unfortunately, the display shows it’s age and the calendar is the first to go, as you can see in the picture. TellTims