ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III

My experiment is over, and I officially miss the valve (no offense to friends of Solid State. Most of the rest of my world is SS).

Currently have a Krell S-300i, and am looking to move into a Tube Integrated. Used to have a McCormack DNA-50 & ARC SP9 MKII, then decided to save space, and moved to an SS integrated. Space saving remains in play. No capital outlay until January, but am doing the research now, and am soliciting opinions here, at the "Oracle".

And so the quandary: ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III.
A show of hands...please.
Here's my rig:

As always, any and all opinions/suggestions/rants are appreciated.

The Ayon amps to me for my taste yield somewhat dryer less warm mids, yet a beautifully detailed presentation with liquid highs full of finese, compared to the average tube amp.

I think there may be good synergy of Ayon gear with warm speakers that require power. Otherwise, in my opiniion, although still quit nice, the Ayon sound may seem a little too solid state or analytical in presentation compared to the average more lush sounding tube amp.
Plangco.. I would have agreed 100% with you sonic assessment , Until I changed out the driver tubes to Nos RCA Blackplates.. that made a dramatic change for the better in my system.. The stock Phillips were sort of dry and bright sounding..To any one who has a Spirit or Triton and feels that it's bit on the bright side try rolling in some good NOS tubes and I think you'll be very pleased
Opinions? For my small law office, approximately 15' X 9' (yes I know small for any dipole, especially Maggie's), what are the group's thoughts on using an Ayon Spirit II, or III, to power Magnepan 1.7s or 3.7s? And, is the Spirit III that much superior to the Spirit II? I can likely acquire a new III for the low 4G range, and a used II in the low 2G range ...