ARC Ref 3 with CAT JL2 or do you need CAT SL1

To All,

I recently changed my Krell KCT with an ARC Ref 3 preamp. I like the preamp very much and am now thinking about upgrading to a tube power amp. There are a few on my list:

ARC Ref 300 or ARC Ref 600
Cat JL2 MK2

I now play with FPB700CX on Wilson Puppy 7.

Will the ARC be a good match with the CAT. Do I not loose bass. I like a strong controlled bass very much and this is why I now play with FPB700CX. How good is the CAT. Everybody says it's bass matches the big Krell amps. Is this true.

Is the SL1 a better preamp than the ARC Ref 3. I heard many people prefer the ARC ref 3. I need balanced out for my FPB700CX so I guess ARC is a better choise for my amp.

Who has compared ARC Ref 3 with CAT SL1. Does the Ref 3 match with the CAT power amps.

Hello Pubul57

Well the solid state bass I do ot want to loose. But what I heard from people that own a CAT is that the bass will be as powerfull as the big Krell amps. So in that case I will be a good buy for me.

I just worry about the reliability. If it breaks down two times in one year I will definately sell it, no matter how good it is.

If it is like dearing says I do not want it, no matter how good it is. Can you comment on reliability.

I went from a Krell FPB 600 to the CAT JL2. I don't miss the bass from the Krells. The CAT does everything better.
I have owned CAT equipment for 12 years without any reliability problems. I listen to my system almost every day.
With my Soundlab M1's, my CAT JL1's purrrrr.

Prior to the CAT's, I had a Levinson 336, choosing it over a Krell FPB 600. Both were auditioned using the Martin Logan reQuests which I owned at the time.

The CAT's were hauled home with Parasound Halo's to audition against the Levinson. After only a few minutes, the CAT's were clear winners in all areas, even bass!

I'm using s Supratek Chenin pre-amp, and am quite happy.

No reliability problems here.
I use an ARC Ref 3 with CAT JL-3 Signature Mono's. I like the combination very much. They produce prodigous bass from full-range electrostatic speakers. They are are extremely hard on tubes, but I have not had any reliability issues.