Anyone remember speakers by Kindel Audio?

I owned 2 different pairs of Kindel speakers, the Phantom and the PLS-a, a friend still has the PLS-a's and they still sound fantastic. Am I the only one who was into these? Bill Kindel is a talented speaker designer. Seems like with the demand for speakers that are efficent the PLS-a at 94db would be great for SET guys. They were an 8ohm nominal load but do have a dip to 2ohms. This may drive some SET amp nuts. The PLS-a is big(130 lbs. each) and dynamic! The Phantom was a smaller speaker for a more intemate listening room. They had fabulas sound and were very transparent! I miss them sometimes.
Any PLS-A owner looking for a pair of heavy-duty steel stands for theirs, almost free? The PLS-As I bought from jstromp were so equipped, and I do NOT need them. E-mail me at for pics if you're interested. The price will be $10 for the trouble of packing them plus actual-cost shipping.
I currently use a set of PLS-As, with a pair Phantoms for center, (not a perfect vocal match, but I've gotten them close) and a pair of 50s for surround. It's fun. We sold them in Anchorage at the end of the 80s. I have no idea what happened to Bill Kindel, but I hope his tribe prospers.
I bought a pair of Phantoms last year; just like the ones I had some years ago and sold to a friend. I was hoping to be able to have another pair and soon a pair appeared for sale locally and I snatched them up. I'm very happy listening to them after years of using more exotic speakers. This is a fine speaker system with good bass extension, although they will not play terrifically loud. They are all one could ask for in a smaller room or apartment. Where is Bil Kindel now, I wonder?
I recently took my pair of PLS-A speakers out of the back office, where they were being used as computer monitors (!). I had exiled them because they are so freakin' huge. But I was getting a bit weary of the cold but accurate sound of my Martin Logans, and rearranged the living room to accommodate the PLS-A behemoths. The moment I fired them up I was reminded why I loved this pair so much. The sound is smooth, accurate, with a beautiful sound stage and a spacious, warm sound. The speakers have a definite sound personality, which may not appeal to a lot of listeners, but which I find compliments the kind of music I listen to most: organ, choral, symphonic, chamber and opera. I'm not a tech guy, and understand none of the tech talk, but I think I will get better results from these if I bi-amp them. I'll need to use a 5.1 AV amp since they also function as the from speakers for my home theatre, so I'm looking at the Onkyo 805 7.1 which has a bi-amp option and plenty of power. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated. Finally, if you run across a pair of these beauties and have the space and floor trusses to make them work, they have been great friends to me and I would recommend them.
I owned Phantoms at one time. Wonderful sound. Ultimately I gave them up for speakers that were far more dynamic.