Anyone heard the Opera Quinta?

I was curious as to feedback of the newer Opera Quinta (tweeter and 3 6.5" Seas drivers), front leatherette. Anyone heard it? Any reviews floating around out there? Good for a medium-sized (430sq foot) room? I am looking for a detailed, yet "musical" speaker, full-range, with accurate midrange and bass. I have always liked the SF Cremona, but it is out of my price range, as is the Divina from Opera.
Haven't heard the newest model, but I have owned the original model for several years. I am very happy with them and would have to spend several times more to better them. I agree with Jaybo about them being "refined" and would also add that they image well.
Thanks! How do these compare to the Sonus Faber Domu Grand Piano? I heard them recently and they sounded very nice. I noticed that the Quinta drivers are made by Seas, so they might be a little bit better "bang for the buck" than the Domus. Not sure if they sound better though.
Have not heard them but am thinking about getting them.Only I don't know what they would sound like in my system. I am using a Plinius M16 preamp with a balanced technology vk500 amp. Anyidea as to sound? Thanks! buddy1
Just ordered a pair; will be getting in a few days. I'll report back, but also wondering what others have experienced with them.
also interested in the qiuntas or the seconda. just wondering if they are good with rock music. will be used with a tube amp and an LFD integrated LE ss amp