Anyone heard the new Cremona?

Anyone heard the new Sonus Faber Cremona? What kind of amps would be a good match?
I have a pair and love them. I bought them for the main speakers in my HT.

I should have a pair of the Vienna Mahlers by the end of next week which I plan to use in a seperate audio room and I'll let you know they compare next week.
Thanks Stanford. Look foward to how they compare to the Mahlers. Am particularly interested in how they differ from the older line of Sonus floorstanders, as well as their ability to handle 2-channel audio. Are they more home theater or music?
I have a question regarding the Cremona's....

Is this speaker a different color than the Amati and Guarneri?

From the photos I've seen, the Cremona's appear to be a lighter color - not the "orange" looking wood of the earlier lute design speakers.