anyone heard of John Nitzinger?

Great guitar player from Texas,only other person besides myself thats heard him is the guy who turned me on to him back in 1978,just found out he has a web site and still playing
Ray, The album I have does not include "Yellow Dog". The two songs that stand out on this lp are "L.A. Texas Boy" and "Louisana Cock Fight". The album cover is blace with "Nitzinger" written across the front in large letters. And my friends name was Stanley, so there goes the theory that one man was responsible for the spread of Nitzingerism.
I´m in Portugal and I´ve been looking for Nitzinger´s "yellow dog" for years.I downloaded an incomplete file of it, and a new live version.
Do you know the name of the album with the original version?
All the best!