Anyone hear the Van Alstine CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed?

Anyone hear the CA1 Control Amplifier or NP1 amp demoed yet? 

Any comparisons to the Set amp? 

I suppose there will be more feedback once production units start shipping.


I've had the CA-1 for two weeks. It is simply a revelation. I've spent over 50k on gear the last few years. I won't get into all the amps I've had, but powering my Zu Soul 6s, I think I've come the closest to whatever I believe is absolute sound with the CA-1. I ABd it in a system with the $6600 Stereophile class A rated Moonriver 404 reference, and the Moonriver's owner immediately agreed the $1599 CA-1 was superior in all aspects. This thing scales into far more expensive systems. It is end-game for $1599. Put your Schiit down and place an order. 

Interested in how the amp performs and to hear it keeps up with more expensive gear is positive even if there's no measurements, info on system matching, room, etc.

My goal is to achieve maximum value in smaller gear, coming from Hegel amps which played very well and going down to a small class ab Keces E40 while it doesn''t quite have both the smoothness and liveliness of my Hegel, its close enough with the speakers I use and conditions I listen to music at. 

The Hegel just makes for example music sound a bit livelier, more energetic without hash or shrillness giving piano notes and such a bit more life, etc., and differences would be even more noticeable on higher end speakers particularly if they require alot of power. The Keces is a tad warmer and more rounded on the top end but still resolving and transparent enough.

But I don't want heavy, bulky gear anymore and something smaller, lighter but that still plays well can be just right.  I have the Keces driving a pair of Dali Opticon 1s with a sub and while not hi end, is a really nice experience at the SPLs I listen at. 

If I were to jump up, I have considered a few more expensive but small stand mounts and the one which piques my interest is the Closer Ogy.  A quality 50 watt is more than enough power and if well designed for SQ, would be end game for me.  So I will continue to watch others' experiences with the CA-1.  Probably would not even need a sub in that case given its a transmission line speaker.  Don't want to get into tube gear and not keen on class D at the moment. 

It's great that there's a reasonably priced simple integrated that could fit the bill.  Its not the only one but alot of others I've considered are significantly more.  If found used, sure they would still be priced at what the CA-1 costs new.  Just need to decide if I want to make the jump.  Liking the budget gear I have now but, tempted to jump up.





@newtoyou awesome! That's great to hear. The other day I canceled my order of the NP-1 and I replacey that order with a CA-1 integrated. 

I'm so excited...

@AGWCA, I had the Hegel H590 powering Vandersteen 2CEs for about a year. Unless you require the H590 power, I prefer all Van Alstine amplification. The CA-1 has superior natural tonality to Hegels I've heard... that's its most notable advantage.