Anybody play any musical instruments...........

....apart from just listening to our favourite artists/musicians on our beloved audio systems? Be it piano, violin, voila, trumpet, saxophone, cello, trombone, electric guitars, acoustic string guitars, drums etc.

My early piano lessons didn't go to waste as I eventually found out that I have a passion for music later on as with most of us here. Some of my buddies who have completed Grade 8 pianoforte years ago have not touched the piano for more than 10 years now and may have forgotten where the C or D note lies on the keyboard(can you believe that). I am fortunate to be able to carry on as much as I spend my time on my hifi rig, as for now.

I occasionally enjoy playing contemporary pieces from David Benoit and Richard Clayderman with a few classical works by Mozart thrown in on my Kawai US50 upright for leisure. "Dad's Room" and "Kei's Song" by David Benoit are some of my favourite pieces.

Any musicians or self-taught musicians here who would care to share what type of instruments you play, and whose works you enjoy playing the most?
Drums, although I haven't played with anyone for years. Just play with myself.
I think that with drums, it's harder to keep up the interest than with instruments that cover a wider range of emotion. (Sorry, but when drummers jam, they rarely want to play mellow brush-work We tend to want to wail).
I give lots of credit to those of us who are just compelled to play, regardless of anything, but I'm not that driven. I got a set of tabla but haven't done much with 'em.
Drums give an audiophile a unique perspective - Bad digital cymbals etc. drive me crazy, and I think a solid bass foundation is more important to me due to my experience of truly feeling, no, BEING, the music.
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Boy there sure are lots of drummers here.

My parents sent me to violin classes when I was a kid but I never got to like playing them when I grew older. If I get it right, the violin was a Cecilio, the cheapest student version in beautiful rosewood finish. Haven't got the time to 'learn' to play anything lately with my frequent travelling.
Elected to try the fiddle in 3rd grade and Mom made me practice an hour a day for 5 years till I convinced her enough was enough. The fact my music teacher rapped me on the knuckles when I made a mistake made the experience all the more special.

I restarted playing 27 years ago and love every minute. I play in an orchestra with 80 muscians and let me tell you, there is nothing as exillerating as being onstage, participating in live music. My axe is a 1927 Luigi Mozzani.
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