I was auditioning three different XLR and one RCA interconnects, Silver Hyacinths, Harmonic Tech. Pro Silways, NBS Monitor IV and JPS Superconductor 2 (RCA) . My system (Audio Research CD-2, Audio Research LS-16, Plinius 100 MKIII and NHT 2.5i speakers) can be bright to a fatiguing point, which certain cables, so I was searching for cables that would complement my system. The NBS was far superior to the others. It was more revealing and quiet. I also tried the NBS Monitor IV bi-wire speaker cables. They were competing with JPS Superconductors and Transparent Music Wave Super. Again, I liked what the NBS did for my system. I turned out purchasing their cables via the NBS promotion (the speaker cables were free) which contained all Monitor IV cables: 2 XLR IC's, two Monitor IV Power Cords and 10' Monitor IV bi-wire speaker cables. I'm a happy camper.