Anybody Heard Belles350a replacing a rogue 88

Looking to go back to ss because I replaced a ML331 with the 88 & my reason for this is the 331 was dark in the upper end. But I miss the sheer power & those blacks of the 331. Belles 350a looks good & the odyssey looks good to. Any thoughts would be appreciated.The system: Naim 3.5. clearaudio champion level 2. benz glider. quicksilver phonostage. ARC LS25Mrk2. Cellestion A3. Wire is wastach cable works.
I have had both of the Belles amps. The small one was lacking in bass weight and the 350 only lasted for two months. It had no sparkle or as another user said, it was dark sounding. I would recommend the McCormack DNA 125 or the 225 much better sound and less money
I also had a 350aBelles amp and it experienced a mechanical hum from the power supply. I sent it back and was told there was nothing wrong, received it back and it humed again. I never had a problem with other amps so I figured it was a design issue.
This time I asked for my money back and decided to get the McCormack.
I agree with Lngbruno reagrding the problem with Belles amps being a design issue. Belles is a one man show and he does it part time.