Anybody else get a NAD M66 yet?

I took delivery of a new NAD M66 preamp last week.  I’m curious if anyone else has one yet?  One reason I was interested in it was the all-analogue pathway having a resister ladder relay volume control.  The early videos posted by NAD demonstrated the volume control clicking (as resistor ladders will do…).  Mine does not, even when in analogue bypass mode using an external source.  I’m wondering if they changed the design or if mine is not working properly.  

Initial impressions are mixed, but it’s too early to make determinations.  The other reason I wanted to try it out is for the DIRAC live and bass control capability.  After playing around with the DIRAC, I can say it definitely makes a big difference in my asymmetrical room.  I finally get non-boomy bass and hear all the low notes consistently.  It does seem to take a bit out of the transparency of the overall sound, but again, too early to make final judgments.

Overall, it works well and sounds pretty good, but they still have some bugs to work out, which were expected I think, given the delayed release. For example, if you are using a source with the all digital processing (like the internal DAC), and have subwoofers connected as I do, then switch to an external source with analogue bypass, the subwoofers still seem to be stuck in digital processIng and lag behind the main speakers.  Also, playing around with the various settings in analogue bypass and in the digital domain have left me with an error message, and the unit reboots itself.

Used as a simple analogue preamp, it sounds pretty good but not up to the standard of a stand alone $5k preamp.  One might expect that, given all of its features for the price, and again, it is early.  It is very smooth though and nothing sounds unpleasant through it.  It definitely shows promise, we’ll see how further use goes…


After some more trials using the M66 as an analogue preamp using an external DAC and comparing it to the Primaluna (PL) Evo400 preamp, the PL sounds better.   Besides the usual tube benefits you would expect (3D soundstage and liquidity), the stand alone preamp has more punch, is more dynamic, more ‘raw’ sounding,in a good way.  The NAD isn’t bad at all, but it is refined to a degree that makes it a bit boring.  I do like to listen at lower volumes, and I think that is coming into play in my judgments.  You could turn the NAD up a lot without it losing its cool.  But what is telling is I also prefer the DAC direct to the amplifier (NAD M23) than using the M66.  It is also more dynamic.  So far the M66 sounds best just using its own internal DAC and as a streamer.  I see why the M33 was so well received.  Using the M66/M23 combo just as a digital streamer/pre and amp basically replicates the M33, and it sounds very good.  Overall I think the M66 is a great product and does a lot very well.  


Thanks for your impressions - and that’s a bit of a bummer. I was a little interested in M66 as a pure 2ch analog preamp, but that’s not gonna cut it at almost $6K. With the analogous "older" pairing, M22 V2 and M12, I also found the preamp (M12) to be the weak link in an "analog 2ch" context. M12 preamp is just a boring, sterile sound compared to a good tube preamp. It’s easily outclassed by its partner M22 power amp (either v1 or v2, really), which absolutely shines with a good tube pre.

I even paired the M22 v2 for a time with a VAC Master, which is a little crazy ($30K tube pre), but worked shockingly well. M12 gets left in the dust :( I do enjoy the M12 for movies and more casual digital streaming, though.

There are a ton of analog preamps out there. To me this NAD M66 is about all the digital features dirac live, Bass control and someday Dirac ART. The top of the line ESS Dac helps.

I agree. It really is about the digital capabilities. I have a blu sound vault with hundreds of CDs stored and it integrated seamlessly with the M66 over the network which was great. My problem is that I have a very good and expensive power amplifier and hate to settle on the less dynamic sound of the NAD M66 for the features alone. I've got a tough decision to make as to whether I should keep it out not. 

Brian to me the dynamics that dirac live custom curves is what I have loved the loved the most. The bass is so smooth now. I use to have huge bass peaks and dips which made it so didn't like certain songs. I honestly can't wait for Dirac live ARTafter hearing the improvement from bass control. Now I want dirac live in my other stereo rooms in my house.