Any word from anyone on AudiogoN about the new Rega Apollo R CDP?

I see the Apollo R is now on the Rega site and, as expected, follows the new compact look of the Rega DAC and amp. The US retail price seems to have increased from the previous Apollo's $1195 to $1495.

I don't normally put much weight into paid reviews so I was hoping someone here has had the opportunity to listen to the new Apollo. Does anyone have any first hand experience yet?

You're asking questions that really can't be answered yet. I had no trouble with the Apollo and less than perfect discs. The new R Version is likely to have improvements, but it won't be a vast improvement as in digital we get very small changes/improvements at pretty much all price points.
I like the Apollo R. It stacks neatly with the Rega DAC and was certainly designed with that pairing in mind. We'll have to wait a bit to get more reviews, but only your ears really matter.
My guess is that buying a used Apollo is a safe bet. If the extra cost doesn't bother you then the new R is going to be a bit better (a guess). The Saturn costs less than that pairing, so can we assume that Rega finds it better than the Saturn?

I'm so thrilled with the Rega DAC and Mac Mini that I've fallen away from the hunt for CD transports for now.

Good luck,

People's mileage can vary, as apparently Robbob has had no trouble with his Apollo reading discs, but all that I can say is my experience was that the player is slow in starting (which I always attributed to it's buffering) and fussy with discs. It was an exasperating experience, because even after 30 seconds of silence, I couldn't be sure if that was the normal slow start or if it had rejected the disc altogether. It would frequently accept a disc if I reloaded it, but the opposite would happen as well, where it would refuse to play a disc that it had played without incident previously.
I like hassle free audio, as I am usually trying to unwind after a stress filled day, and that is my chief memory of the Apollo, getting frustrated and annoyed over these issues. Perhaps my machine was somewhat faulty and the experience is atypical, but a perusal of users forums at the time revealed that it was not an uncommon issue.
Highly recommend going with the Rega DAC i/o their CD players. The DAC is pretty much the same price as the new Apollo R..but does so much more.

There's just no need for the Apollo R or Saturn. Haven't heard the new Apollo, but the DAC(with my Mac Mini) sounds as good as or better than the Saturn.
I'm wrestling with buying the Rega R to add to the Rega DAC or just abandoning the CDP altogether.

Tough decision. I must admit that the Rega with Mac is amazing sounding. I'd be sad to buy the Apollo R and find the Mac superior, but that's what a lot of people are telling me will happen. And I haven't used the Oppo in quite a while now.

The money I'd spend on the Apollo R could buy a lot of music...or 7 pairs of nice sneakers!
