Any suggestions for middle eastern music

Just watched gladiator again a d would like to find some music like that. Thanks for any suggestions
Jef Stott, the artist behind Lumin and Stellamara, recently released the cd Saracen.

Loga Torkian of Niyaz was previously involved with the middle eastern band Axiom Of Choice, any of their three albums are a good choice.

Calamus, on MA Records, has a magnificently recorded album entitled The Splendour of Al-Andalus. This is a collection of 7th to 15th century Spanish/Moorish music.
Any cd's by oud player Rabih Abou-Khalil sound great. Search amazon and allmusic. They're on the Enja label, and most covers are even beautiful.
Hamza el Din, John Berberian... for M-E starters... lots of fantastic stuff out there.

And get into some Mali Music... Habib Koite for starters
I love the Gladiator Soundtrack also, so I know where you're coming from.

If you like Zimmer, check out his amazing soundtracks for Blackhawk Down and Thin Red Line. I couldn't get enuf of Gladiator, so I also got his "More Music from Gladiator" which is also very good.

If you're into the Middle Eastern sound I would second Rabih Abouh Khalil and also Kayhan Kalhor's Silent City album, esp "Beloved do not let me discouraged". He plays the kamancheh which is an Iranian spiked fiddle. Check out his video on youtube, it starts slowly but really gets going near the end.