Any one try pa amplifiers for home stereo?

Hi, I was looking for info from anyone that had sorted through some of the offerings from QSC, Peavey, Hafler, Crown, and the alike for sound and compatability with home systems. I am looking to drive Infinity Kappa 9's. Dependability and cost seem interesting. I like a slightly warm sound with bloom and am midway through a Foreplay tube preamp build, Which should allow easy mods to selecting output voltages.
Thanks for your opinions.
TWL is dead on, stay away from that list. A good used Krell for a $1000 will provide plenty slam and sound way better.In the long run you will save alot of money from not having to resell it at a significant loss.
I have read some favorable comments in online forums about Samson Servo amps and the new Carver Pro digital amps. These amps probably will sound close to or maybe even as good as some entry level home audio equipment. However, if you are after "warmth" and "bloom" I would be very surprised if you will find it from a pro audio amp. In fact, I have heard few ss amps that have these characteristics, and they all cost around $2k or more. Would your speakers be a suitable load for a tube amp? If yes, I would suggest you investigate some budget tube amps like ASL or the AMC CVT2100. The latter puts out 80wpc of tube sound and sells for around $700.
I have a pair of Infinity kappa 9's.I have tried at least 4 amps to power them till i hooked up a parasound HCA-2200 II ,never tried another since.Very tight highs and lows!!
After going through about 5 amps, I read reviews and I finally wound up using Sunfire Signature, current mode. Very good price, very good sound. Drive my 9s well, no problems