Any ideas in speaker choices would be great

I am looking to upgrade my current speakers. (Ultra highend guys no laughing)currently I am using a set of Dahlquist DQ10's. For me the sound stage is great with an excellent dimension width and depth as most albums and CDs the vocals and music seems 10-15 feet behind the speakers.

The main problem is the footprint size and second, they are not efficient. I currently run muse 150 mono blocks (SS) with a Quicksilver full function tube preamp thus the efficiency is not that much of an issue however as I move around alot physical space is becomes an issue more often. I would like to find a replacement that that is much thinner in size but doesnt hit me in the face with sound, and ofcourse I would NOT like to spend $15,000.

After several years of enjoying and hauling around the DQ10's I remember what the previous owner said to me as I bought them from him "I love the sound and unless you want to spend 5 grand or more you wont find anything that can compares for the money...but I just dont have the room for them anymore". Well I am not there yet and I could spend 5 grand or more but dont want to be disapointed with the stage and so on... just to save some floor space and spend alot of money. So like I started this any ideas would be great as I would like to find a higher end used pair but will consider all options. I would like to spend 2K but will spend up 5k as my amps are only class "B". Please give me your thoughts and thanks for reading.
keep your dq 10s. most of todays speakers bleed one's ears in comparison to the dq 10s.
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Thanks all, gives me some extra thoughts. Seems the great debate about ss vs tube amps pops up as always.....I just wish the DQ 10s were not so large. I was suprised to hear that one thinks the quicksilver preamp is a limiting factor. What is the overall opinion on the quicksilver?? Any ideas? Thanks again to all who responded gives me more to chew on
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