any fans of early industrial?

Are there any fans of Throbing Gristle,Psychic Tv,Spk,Dg307 and Einsterzunde Neubaten?I am just curious if any audiogoners are into this wild stuff.Mike from Czech rep
I have agree with the Legendary Pink Dot's reccomendation. Though not industrial or goth (maybe something more like experimental pop) a lot of ground such as the Dots and Xymox seem to get grouped all together with the Industrial Goth category. Edward Ka Spel is a true musical genius, musically and especially lyrically. I too have seen them live a few times and have most of their albums. It seems a shame that someone with so much talent will go relatively unoticed.

Skinny Puppy also deserves mention. The musical force of Cevin Key and Duane Goettel was truly groundbreaking, at least it was to me then. I think I like the memory of listening to Skinny Puppy on the cheap rack system or crappy car stereo better than it sounds to me now on my high end system. I thought that stuff was so powerful back in the day, and it seems kinda weak now. Skinny Puppy, 242, Frontline Assembly etc.. is my classic rock.

I was wondering what audiophiles who were into industrial think about that type of music on thier high end rigs.

sometimes you just need something crunchy.
Not much of it is what you would call Clean music.

One thing i love about the dots is how thier music varies from album to album. 9 lives to wonder is dark and somewhat sad, while golden age is somewhat puppy. The curse sounds rather gothic and dark.
Even with all these changes from album to album, they have a distinct personality that shines through
Skinny Puppy fans should check out the new release from Ogre (Skinny Puppy's Growler). It is sold under the name ohGr and the album is called SunnyPsyOp. It's somewhat reminiscent of older Skinny Puppy, with a new twist. Front 242 also recently released a new album. Brings back lots of memories.


Derek Stewart
Vancouver, BC
Slappy if you don't have it, check out the Dot's album A Perfect Mystery, I think it's one of their best and not a bad recording to listen to on a hifi rig either. Another timeless classic is the Tear Garden Last Man to Fly, I think I've played that disc more times than any that I own.