Any experience with Thiel CS7.2 and PBN EPS2?

Still looking to upgrade my Vandersteen 3A Sigs. Anyone compare the PBN EPS@ with Thiel CS7.2?
Thanks for any opinions.
Hey Brett,
I had CS7s (long story as to why I stupidly traded them in for Dynaudios; big mistake) and now have a pair of CS6s and CS2.4s in separate systems. There is a big difference between the PBNs and Thiels, that being that Thiels, like Vandersteens, are phase and time coherent.

I must partially disqualify myself in admitting I have never heard the PBNs but the only two speaker manufacturers I would ever consider owning are Thiel and Vandersteen. Once that time and phase thing gets in you ears and under your skin I guarantee that if you decide to move away from those attributes you will regret it within a year and want to return. On this last point I speak from direct experience.

Cheers, and please let us know what you decide. And if you go with the Thiels make sure you have a current delivery capable amp to drive them properly.
Thanks Steve. I have a great deal on some Montana EPS2 w/my 3ASigs on trade. If they don't sound better, we'll unwind the deal. Thanks for the input(I've heard that from other time and phase coherent users), and I'll let you know what I hear!!
I feel pretty sure the Montanas will best your Vandys. But I have been wrong before.......

We'll stay tuned here for further updates.

Oh, I forgot to mention when demoing the Quatros, I also listened, briefly to the Usher 8571. My brief opinion is that the Quatro sounded better. Better resolution and transparency.