Any experience of Planet 2000 with Bel Canto DAC2?

I have been quite happy with my Rega Planet 2000 for the time it's been in my possession. It's very musical, warm, and most importantly, not bright: it goes well with my tastes in music which are mostly acoustic jazz, some 'progressive fusion' (I hate this choice of words) and some classical. My system includes an Adcom GFA-5500 and a VTL TL-2.5 with very neutral-sounding custom-made D'Appolito configuration 2-way bookshelf speakers on 23" metal stands (not yet filled with sand). I have recently been invited by a friend to hear his new Musical Fidelity DAC (with a Proceed transport): it really blew my mind. The highs were purer, the bass was tighter; overall, it sounded better. I know I can get more from this Planet in terms of overall sound, closer to reality if you will. I am considering pairing it with a Bel Canto DAC2 connected with an Analysis Plus Oval Digital cable (suggested by a friend). Has anyone mated the DAC2 to the Planet or the Planet 2000 (used as a transport)? Benefits? Gaps? Any suggestions on the Oval Digital?
Thanks, Kurt. I really want to use this setup for now (Planet 2K/DAC2/AP Oval Digital) and later move to a dedicated universal transport. My only concern is that I have not seen many of those: a transport only CD/SACD/DVD-A. If you know of any examples, please share.

In any case, I will definitely report on the upgrade as soon as I receive the Bel Canto, hook it up and do some critical listening.
Concerning my last post, I meant an affordable but very good to excellent CD/SACD/DVD-A transport (only).
Anyone with an affordable ($1-1.5K range) but very good to excellent CD/SACD/DVD-A transport (only) or player to match with the DAC2 in lieu of the Planet 2K? Please advise.
I'd settle for an affordable CD/SACD transport (after a lot of reading in the specialized press and turning cold about DVD-A); but, I have yet to find one that I could pair my DAC with or another one of similar value, since I am not sure it'd work with SACD. Any thoughts?

I'd like to hear your impressions of your DAC2. How's it working out for you?