Any better DAC then dCS Scarlatti?

I heard about new DACs on the market better than Scarlatti.
StahlTek Vekian and GTE Audio.
Someone compared them with Scarlatti?
Any other DAC compared with dcs?
Can we get back on course and refocus on the DAC shoot out? Is it still on or have people digressed?
Is it still on or have people digressed?

Oh, I can't wait! And was actually thinking if some highly regarded (SOTA, $70K+) vinyl rig will be available to shoot against? Would be very nice! I can bring some 45 rpm (including single sided) and also direct-to-disc LPs and corresponding CD/SACDs so we can compare apples to apples. :-)

Just let me know the date! :-)

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Dear all,

sorry for the delay for answering.

I use the GTE with the special balanced output and an Echole Obsession interconnect. The other output (unbalanced) is a transformer output, it is also very good.

In my system the GTE outperforms the Kuzma by a huge margin.

I will coordinate the DAC shootout this summer, I would prefer some time slot in August.

Best regards

I've owned an Accustic Arts DAC, an EMM Labs DAC2, an Ayre QB-9, and now use an EMM Labs XDS1 in my home system, and a Weiss DAC 202 for "portable" use. The XDS1 is a joy to listen to. Murataltuev, to say that SACD is almost impossible to listen to with EMM Labs is a ridiculous statement. Perhaps to your golden ears, but not mine.