Any audiophiles brewing beer?

Just curious if any audiophiles have gotten themselves into this hobby too?
Yes, goes hand in hand with hifi!
"Relax, don't worry, have a homebrew" is like "Play Records". Been making homebrew since '84.
One of my old time favs is the Charlie Pappazon "Cherries in the Snow". Still make a batch for Xmas every year.
Mezmo: I think grain done right will get a bit more subtlety and elegance in the beer. But as you say, at a cost cost of mess, difficulty, and complexity in the process. Interestingly, some folks I know started brewing worse beer when the moved from extract to grains! I've never been tempted to take the plunge, since I've found that carefully done extract brews can compete pretty well with top commercial craft brews. I once saw several people prefer an extract-brewed Sierra Nevada Pale Ale clone to the real thing in side-by-side tasting; an effect I attribute to the freshness of the home brew, but still impressive. I'd stick to the extract, and keep my apartment livable! John
Memzo, wow. I'm a budding audiophile in nyc and my Dad is a home brewer. hats off to your friends for being audiophiles and doing all grain brewing in nyc. maybe i'll have to see what i can do... ha.