Any advise to improve my system

My current stereo system consists of the following:

Sony DVP-9000ES
Plinius CD-LAD pre-amp
Plinius SA-250 MkIV power
PSB Stratus Silver-i Speakers
Harmonic Tech Pro-silway II RCA from DVD player to pre-amp
Harmonic Tech Pro-silway II XLR from pre-amp to power
MIT MH-750 shotgun speaker cable
Synergistic Research Reference AC Master coupler for CD player
Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler for Pre and power amp

My music preference are string instrument, vocal, jazz.

I always feel that I don't get enough kick from listening to my system. It is either not enough detail or bass extension is a little muffled.

Any advise on what is wrong with my system?
I think the most cost effective and prudent thing to do would be to try and maximize what you have first. Either by speaker placement or making sure your isolation system is good. I would approach this much like trouble shooting a computer. If you succeed in improving your sound through this manner, you will have spent less money. If it still isn't quite there, at least you will have eliminated some important variables and can then move on to other possibilities.

I agree with many people here that the Stratus Silvers may not be up to par with your electronics. Vandersteen and Meadowlark are very good suggestions. I would also look into ProAc. Detailed without being harsh. And a gigantic soundstage as a bonus.

I have not experimented with different power cables, but I have some experience with copper versus silver speaker cables and interconnects. Maybe a pair of Analysis Plus Silver Ovals will help extend both ends, and add some detail.

But again before spending a lot of money, I would tie up any existing loose ends first. Good luck and have fun!
Pops & G13 have both expressed my sentiment regarding the SR Master Couplers. Despite other improvements, I experienced considerable thinning of the bass region with those particular AC cords when I tried them. I also have one SR Reference AC which works much better as an all-around cord. Right now it's on the CD player, but it might be found connected to any of various components, or none at all, depending upon my setup. Their next better cords (the Resolution Reference AC, & Designers Reference AC) did not do so well for me but again that is all system-dependent. However their best cord, the Designers Reference Squared AC, sounded so good that I had to buy another one.
If you choose to upgrade the speakers I would recommend against the Golds - as I owned them for three years and find the bass kind of muffled and boxy.