any advice appreciated

Hello all. I've learned a lot from this forum. This is my first post, but I've been reading for a while. I'm about to set up my first real stereo system and I'd like your advice on the direction I'm going.

I have a budget of about $1700 for startup. I want a 2.0 system. I listen to listen to blues, rock, folk, motown, and some jazz. My living room is approx 25'x35' with 13' ceilings. I listen at moderate levels.

I'm about to pull the trigger and buy:

1. A used pair of Vienna Acoustic Mozart speakers ($1200)
2. A barely used NAD C 325 BEE amp. ($325)
3. A CD player yet to be determined. ($200)

My preferences tend to be toward warm rich tones. Anybody think I'm on the wrong path here? I'm in an area of the country that prohibits me from driving to my local retailer for a demo.

Any advice appreciated.

They may not be new and sexy and come with big bragging rights, but the venerable Vandersteen 2C is one of, if not the most popular high end speaker of all time, and for good reason.
Easy to buy and sell, it is full range, has level controls to mitigate room problems, and will fill up a large room with modest power amp requirements.
After a year or so listening to this reference speaker you will know enough to audition more expensive stuff and have a good idea if they are worth the difference.
P.S A refurbished DVD player from HK (check their website) is about $100 and comes with a factory warranty.
Were I in your shoes, I would look for an old high quality 2 channel receiver and upscale my source.
It has been my experience that there are many cheap receivers out there that can make real music if given a decent source.
Sometimes, you can luck into an ancient accuphase integrated for a couple hundred dollars.
I would prefer to have a better source with a beefy old receiver than a cheapie source and a mid-fi amplifier!

Any recommendations on which old beefy receiver? I like your idea, just not sure what to look for.

Thanks for the advice,

If $200 is your budget on a cd, use a dvd player ($50) and spend more on an integrated amp or receiver. You could get an older B&K pre and power combo for that much and it will sound much better than an NAD.

For great NAD prices, check out