Antique Sound Labs Hurricane 200 DT

Anyone using or compared these amps to BATs or others?

Any, thoguhts or commnets appreciated.

Happy Listening.
Yes, I believe you do? Depends on : room size, per-amp, listening levels etc. Howvevr, I have more (good/clean)power now and I find that it does make a difference.
RWD...I look forward to your soon to appear review of the ASL Hurricane 200 watt mono-blocks and their sonic imprint as well as about reliability, etc. Have heard some fine words about the amps as well as some caveats! Good listening.
Hi Angelo...take a look at the product reviews. I posted the review last Thursday. I also sent you a copy Wednesday night. Hope all is well!
I posted several of my observations and comments to your review of the ASL Hurricanes on 7/1/03. I hope they meet with your approval. Interesting enough, Russell gave your review good feedback also. Fine job! Happy listening.