Antique Sound Hurricaines

Can someone please advise i) Antique Sound Hurricaines-quality control-good, bad, etc., hum problems, etc. ii) Does anyone know if the DT (new model) is superior to the original HP model? Any experience with these amps would be appreciated?
You are so right on all counts; I too have had the identical problems with my amps (latest chassis also). I bought them in Nov. essentially from the distributor in Canada. Since then, one was returned TWICE to Canada for
repair or replacement at about $160.00 one way. I didn't keep track of the serial nos so I can't tell. I thought everything was breaking in fine until today, when I found another tube which will not bias (3rd one out of 16). I must say that Tosh has been cooperative but this hasn't been very pleasant for DT or myself
Yes, Sphile, Tash from DT has been great to work with, very responsive and helpful.

I also agree with Rwd, based on the experiences by both, Sphile and myself, you must get these amps from a local dealer. If you see the same problems, let the dealer figure out how to fix, ship or replace the defective amp, not on your penny.
I bought the Hurricane DT In December 2003 and it ran fine for the first week and then one of the tubes glowed brighter than the rest and would'nt bias. I shut it down and ordered replacement tubes.(I did'nt use it for a week)The replacement tubes came and when I switched the tubes it did the samething.
Somehow when I replaced the old tube back in It worked?
Another minor problem is that I kept blowing the fuse on the board. I found a tube that would'nt bias and I replaced it
with a new tube and I've had no other problems since. (I don't have a tube tester).
I replaced the input tubes with Slyvania 6N7's.
I've had no hum problems at all, just great sound!