Anthony Gallo Ref 3 - Bass Solutions with Tube Amp

Wondering if anyone out there has come up with solution to "co-drive" the bass module in speaker. I am trying to use CJ-Premier 140 to drive but want to enlist aid of solid state help for the bass.

AG's bass module still looks like it is 3-4 months out.
Here' another idea: Parts Express has DIY subwoofer kits. They have several amps. I'm planning to purchase the version with 200 watts. It has a level control, a variable low pass filter and continuous phase control. The crossover is a second order version and rolls off at 12 db per octave. They cost about $120 each. I'm planning on buying two, making a plywood box both to house them, and presto, a dual mono amp for the second voice coil. I ran my idea by a technical guy at Gallo. He said that asked Anthony about it, and he thought it would work fine.

Not as good as the Gallo amp I'm sure, but it's available now, and will cost $240 instead of $900 for the Gallo amp.

Does anyone have any reactions to this idea? BTW, Parts Express also has 500 watt amp for about $250.

Aloha Rich,

Curious if you tried your solution yet, and if it worked?


I haven't tried it yet. I'll probably order the amps this week though. I'll post my feedback.
YOur idea sound great. I'm going to check out the parts express amps myself. It will certainly save some money, and, I don't think the second voice coil needs that high a qualit amp, but I'll await your post on how it works.
I checked out the Harrison labs web site, and could only find the battery driven power amps, like you'd use in a car. Do you have a link to the ac driven power amps, or were you looking at the same ones?