Analog Gurus in Washington DC


I've been setting up my Clearaudio cartridge for a while now. I'm pretty sure it's sorted, but I would really feel better if I had someone take a look at it....and the rest of my system, for that matter.

Is there a REALLY good analog expert in the DC area? Generally the yahoos at the audio stores aren't worth the trouble, which is why I mail ordered this deck from Galen Carrol.

Any recommendations would be appreciated. I'd also enjoy meeting some folks from the area...

Try Dejavu audio. Vu is am acquaintance of mine, not a friend per se but he is an audio guru of some renown. He is in Alexandria and is o pen 7 days a week.
Actually, Deja Vu audio is in McLean VA, which might actually be better for you in terms of distance. I second the recommendation for Lynn Hopffgarten, however. First class guy, and knows his analog.
I recommend Gifted Listener in Fairfax County. Here's the website:
Tom Unger, the owner, is a great guy and has taken good care of my Linn LP-12.