Amps for Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SE

Hi, I am looking for an amp (new / used) that best for my Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SE speakers. My budget is about $3,000. My pre-amp is Threshold T-2. Comments, suggestions and personal experiences are appreciated. Thanks.
You definitely want some juice, but you'll love those speakers. The Krell KAV-250a would work wonders and be a bit more than your budget at full retail, well under your budget used. I use the KAV-250a to drive the Contour 3.0's and it's a great combo.
I have my 1.3SEs connected to a Blue Circle BC26. They sound fantastic! The BC26 is more than your projected budget but I had also listened to a Sim Audio W5 connected to the speakers and that had been my choice until I heard the Blue Circle. At that price point a W5 should be considered especially if you can get one at the Canadian price. Good luck.
Thanks for Kthomas and Robj300. I will look for either KAV-250a or BC26. One more question, what about the 4B-ST? The price of 4B-ST is right. Thanks again.
If the 4B-ST is the price point you want to be at, here are three more suggestions: The Blue Circle BC-22, The McCormack DNA-125, and the Belles Hot Rod 150A.
Shiuman, I traded up from the 4B-ST to the BC26. Every choice is a matter of taste and what sounds good to you is what matters most but I found the 4B's sound to be less refined than I ideally wanted. I too was initially attracted by the price/value judgement and it is a solid amp. The "voice" of the amp just didn't completely satisfy me over time. The soundstage and/or musical nature of the sound wasn't as sophisticated and involving (IMHO) as others that (given were more expensive) I heard later. Also consider some of the Classe gear (especially used ca300 or ca400). They sound great and they often sell for around your price point on this site.